Connor was a very special boy because I knew I wanted to keep him when he was only 5 weeks old -- and that's something I don't usually decide until a puppy is much older. Guess I just loved his little "smut face" from the beginning. Another thing he had going for him was that he was Wendy's son and Glitter's grandson, who are two of my all-time favorite Dalarno Corgi girls. It didn't hurt either that Connor's temperament was just so sweet and a pleasure to live with.
His show career started in the 6 - 9 month puppy classes at the Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club's Specialty in February 2008 with Linda Dossett handling. He then ventured into all breed shows with Ferebe Simons handling, and I had the pleasure of showing him for the first time at the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Potomac's Specialty in April 2008. Connor finished his championship in July 2008 with three majors, two of which were 4-point majors on the same weekend with Frank Murphy handling.
Connor was used at stud briefly during his short life and produced some promising puppies which are headed to the show ring and others who have become wonderful pets in loving homes.
As they say, "the good ones are never with us long enough"and it was with a very heavy heart that I unexpectantly had to bid a sad farewell to my dear, young boy in February 2010. His is the one face that will always melt my heart.

Ch. Dalarno Catch A Morningstar
Ch. Beckridge To Be Or Not To Be ROM x
Dalarno Starry Nite
This portrait shot of Connor was taken on location at the Potomac Specialty on the lovely Eisenhower Inn grounds.
Connor exploring the front yard at 6 weeks.