Ch. Dalarno All That Glitters
Ch. Caralon's Casper at Gaylord ROMX x
Ch. Dalarno Banner First Edition ROM
To see Glitter's pedigree, click HERE.
Glitter with David Guempel handling.
Glitter's first time in the show ring was at the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Potomac's Specialty Match. She was awarded Best in Specialty Match when she was just four months old. She was six months and two days when she made her debut into the "real" world of AKC shows. She won Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex over specials for her first major (four points). Then she went to the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America's National Specialty at the age of seven months. She exceeded all of my expectations by being awarded Reserve Winners Bitch and Best Puppy! David Guempel and Larry Adams (Gaylord) get the credit for the expert handling and lovely turnout each day! Needless to say, I was so very proud of my girl!
Judge Jean Fournier awarded Glitter Best Of Winners at the Shawnee Kennel Club show to finish her championship, and awarded sister, Callie, Best of Breed the same day. Glitter retired from the ring to have puppies and is now living the life of a queen with her forever home family here in Virginia.

Glitter's grandson, Corgard Thanks For Th' Memories ("Tony"), was named Best Puppy and Reserve Winners Dog at the PWCCA's National Specialty, September 2005. History repeats.... same titles won at the same venue.
Corgard Thanks for Th' Memories ("Tony")
Dalarno A Shining Legacy x Corgard Memories of Foxway
Judge Diane Dickinson (Dwynella -New Zealand) and co-owner/handler Kandy Boll (Corgard) with Tony. Photo by Classy Canines 2005.
The Specialty tradition continues......
Full sisters, Callie (L) and Glitter (R), share the spotlight!